Abuja Explosion 88 Killed, Over 200 Injured.


Nigeria was on Monday morning thrown in ciaos when a total of 88 persons were killed and 0ver 200 injured when a car laden with improvised explosives devices (IEDS) went of at the Nyanya motor park at about 6.55am. The capital city of Nigeria, Abuja woke up to this big tragedy which has since stock on every ones lips ( in & out) asking what has Nigeria done wrong to deserve such treatments.

The Killing has been linked to the deadly Islamic group Boko Haram which has since been terrorizing the country with series of bomb blasts and man slaughter. The blast which saw  several Life(s) wasted, cars damaged with several still injured and currently receiving treatment in various Hospitals in Abuja for serve burns and fracture.

The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has taken his time-out to check on those receiving treatments and vowed to look inward into the problem facing the country with immediate effect.

President On His Visit
President On His Visit

Nigerians thought right now – “what and where has Nigeria gone wrong” we want to know. The President of the United States of America “Barack Obama” was quick to condemn the attacks carried out on innocents Nigerians saying “We are outraged by this senseless act of violence against innocent civilians,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters, also condemning a series of attacks on three villages in Borno State over the weekend.

Abuja Blast
Security Men at the scene

Now the question we all ask – Where are our security personnel? what are they all doing to ensure this doesn’t repeat itself again? Something needs to be done now or never.  Updates

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